We Customize
We Customize
Our furniture reflects your movements, desires and taste. They create new spaces, they mould on your needs, they store, display, and help make the difference, pushing your project beyond standard conventions. Every offer is customisable and wants to overcome the contrast between industry and artisan production. The various elements, even if industrially made, are customisable in size and colour and recall the memory of a welcoming ambiance, where every detail is taken care of as if it were handmade. The kitchen rearranges itself in the various elements no longer as a given system but as a series of elements that float in memory and are waiting to be interpreted: a large table or an island to sit around, taste, talk, look at each other’s eyes, make preparations, a fire where to sit around and work, an elegant cupboard and a flexible larder, a shelving where to display books and valuable objects, a hood-organ that magically transforms scents into music.
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