@Home 03 out of the box
@Home 03
@home brings Italian lifestyle in a space in balance between tradition and innovation: a living landscape composed of relevant elements. The large table is towered by a hood-organ, a modular system with stainless steel cylindrical elements of different sizes, that can adapt to the various volumes of the environments. The cylinders contain the suction unit, the lighting and the speakers.
The wide storage cabinets are provided with pull-out hinged doors, that, receding, open and disappear, living the space clear and obstacle-free. They reveal unexpected spaces to dedicate to the storage of tableware and small appliances.
Kitchen is space, emotion, warmth: the memory of a fire around which gather and cook, eat, talk, get warm, enjoy oneself @home. The large table is towered by a hood-organ able to transform food aromas in music, as if by magic.
Elmar’s expertise in kitchen design can combine the product’s aesthetic and functionality with Italian artisan craftsmanship. The exclusive design and the vibrations of the materials make the environment even more unique.
Thin thicknesses, harmonious proportions, solid and valuable materials are what characterises the shelf, place where to collect objects, books, and spices. It has a high aesthetic impact and it is composed of three elements that can be connected: splashback panels, shelves and vertical laths. In order to adapt it to different living situations at its best, the height of the shelving is customisable and is available from a minimum height of 106 cm to a maximum of 140 cm.
In the @home kitchen area, the large table becomes an island, important feature and a place around which gather and talk, work, cook. There, the one-piece steel cooking top is placed with care, and is provided with and induction plate and two or four large drawers. The electrical wiring is hidden inside one of the table’s legs.
Carlo Cappai e Maria Alessandra Segantini sono partners di C+S Architects con sede a Venezia e Londra.
C+S Architects
C+S lavora a livello internazionale a tutte le scale del progetto, da paesaggio al progetto urbano, all’architettura e all’interior per clienti privati e pubblici, in seguito alla vittoria di concorsi di progettazione internazionali.Hanno insegnato e presentato il loro lavoro al Museo di Arte Moderna di New York, Triennale di Milano, Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, a Parigi, Architekturzentrum, a Vienna, RIBA a Londra e in diverse università internazionali tra cui Columbia University New York, MIT a Boston, EPFL, in Svizzera, TU Delft, UEL a Londra, Hasselt University in Belgio.
Sono invitati ad esporre alla 15a Biennale di Architettura di Venezia, che inaugura il prossimo 27 maggio 2016.
Hanno ottenuto numerosi riconoscimenti e premi di architettura internazionali tra cui il Premio Agibile e Bella del Ministero dei Beni Culturali, il Premio Speciale della Medaglia d’Oro dell’Architettura Italiana 2012, il Premio Sfide 2009 del Ministero dell’Ambiente; la Selezione al Mies Van der Rohe Award 2009; FarbDesignPreis 2009, Honourable Mention; , AR Award 2008, Honourable Mention; Medaglia d’Oro per l’Architettura Italiana per la Sezione Educazione 2006; 1° Premio di Architettura Città di Oderzo 2004.
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