@Home 05 italian style
@Home 05
Tall units, shelving’s, cupboards and cabinets furnish a space of refined elegance. @Home has elegantly chosen materials and is customisable in the arrangement of those elements that make him inhabit a kitchen environment that interacts with the living area. The fulcrums of the projects are the Easy Table islands and peninsular units, where heating, cooking and eating take place.
The islands and peninsular units gain even more importance thanks to Easy Table, transformable and useful concealed table in steel or white painted aluminium. Easy Table, available in two different lengths, welcomes the cooking top that can be freely placed. The exclusive table is provided with a positioning lock and, when open, has an uniformly distributed 100 kg maximum load.
When not in use, it leaves the space free of obstructions, if pulled-out, it becomes a beautiful and resistant table around which gather. Essay Table has a great flexibility of use, and is easily implementable in wall, peninsular or island arrangements.
The base units are available in the following widths: 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120cm. They are characterised by the fixed handle profile, set 22 cm from the top. It is a high thickness aluminium profile. There are three types of handle profiles that look the same from a frontal view: the C-shaped profile, that, merging the upper and lower frontal sides, enables a hinged or tilt-out opening, the high profile, also installed on the hinged or tilt-out opening or on the door’s upper side, and the low
With @home Elmar created a modern system of storage cabinets that fits in all the environments of the house, not only in the kitchen. True multi-purpose containers, they come with single or double doors, suitable also for built-in ovens and fridges. They are available in two sizes, 210 and 230 cm high, and can have floor -standing doors with hidden baseboard. The vertical, thick aluminium handles are a characterising refined detail. The inner sides are customisable, and lacquers, steel-coatings,
The ends of the tall units are equipped with shelves that transform them in elegant and useful shelving’s, functional and decorative elements.
Carlo Cappai e Maria Alessandra Segantini sono partners di C+S Architects con sede a Venezia e Londra.
C+S Architects
C+S lavora a livello internazionale a tutte le scale del progetto, da paesaggio al progetto urbano, all’architettura e all’interior per clienti privati e pubblici, in seguito alla vittoria di concorsi di progettazione internazionali.Hanno insegnato e presentato il loro lavoro al Museo di Arte Moderna di New York, Triennale di Milano, Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, a Parigi, Architekturzentrum, a Vienna, RIBA a Londra e in diverse università internazionali tra cui Columbia University New York, MIT a Boston, EPFL, in Svizzera, TU Delft, UEL a Londra, Hasselt University in Belgio.
Sono invitati ad esporre alla 15a Biennale di Architettura di Venezia, che inaugura il prossimo 27 maggio 2016.
Hanno ottenuto numerosi riconoscimenti e premi di architettura internazionali tra cui il Premio Agibile e Bella del Ministero dei Beni Culturali, il Premio Speciale della Medaglia d’Oro dell’Architettura Italiana 2012, il Premio Sfide 2009 del Ministero dell’Ambiente; la Selezione al Mies Van der Rohe Award 2009; FarbDesignPreis 2009, Honourable Mention; , AR Award 2008, Honourable Mention; Medaglia d’Oro per l’Architettura Italiana per la Sezione Educazione 2006; 1° Premio di Architettura Città di Oderzo 2004.
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