The Fly_04 kitchens elements live the space and define its functions according to the creative and practical demands of our customers, adding refined details. The strong thickness of the top made in Jaipur and the 106cm high kitchen cabinets characterise this linear arrangement in a completely new way.
The traditional linear kitchen is, thanks to the Jaipur top, a material surface of high aesthetic impact and high performance. It is obtained by processing the quartz plate so that its visible streaks, its light and shade effects and its naturally-made irregularities are kept as they naturally are. Thus, every kitchen is unique and inimitable.
Great neatness and linearity are designed for Fly-04 kitchens that show clear formal elements that have great functionality. Not handles on the fronts, but groove grip handles to facilitate the of the doors’ opening. The kitchen environment is a place to live and organise freely, a place that discloses, other than formal rigour, rich details, valuable finishings and attention to manufacturing quality.
The Anis Jaipur top, with streaks, light and shade effects and cavities, confers a charming effect, which of a surface shaped by time and by nature’s force in a heterogeneous way. The built-in lighting systems are very discreet but extremely useful to ease daily activities.
Fly_04, a versatile furniture programme, enables each customer to reinvent its kitchen in just a few moves, transforming it in a multi-functional environment. The minimal and contemporary style is the common feature of all solutions.
Modernity is synonym with functionality: the opening of the furniture is simplified by the built-in handle inserted in the tall unit’s upper door. It thus becomes a characterising element, just like the L-shaped lower door.
The warm and convivial atmosphere welcomes us thanks to the Fly_04 peninsular unit that unfolds itself around the table, set at the middle of the environment. The white matte lacquer, paired with the decorative wood, results in a bright and fresh environment.
In the chromatic and formal neatness of this Fly_04 kitchen, the major thickness of the top and the L-shaped doors profile become distinctive traits.
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R & S
Nascono così collezioni capaci di coniugare segno, funzionalità e utilità.La serietà e la competenza delle nostre risorse interne sono state riconosciute negli anni: ne sono testimonianza la presenza in giuria all'edizione del Salone Satellite 2012 o la collaborazione con Il Royal college of Art oltre alla copertina del prestigioso Book Rizzoli "Cucine made in italy".
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